Thursday 15 November 2012

Enemies of Rangers Beware

I thought long and hard about starting this blog, but after repeated requests from dozens of good pals in the old inky trade on both sides of Hadrian's Wall, I decided to take the plunge.

I can't count how many good, honest, decent, hard-working journalists have asked me to step into the breach to counter the anti-Rangers bile spewed by Philmacgoillabhain, Brian Patrick McNally and the prancing poltroon Alex Thomson.

These enemies of Rangers must be met head-on whenever they spew their Rangers-hating propaganda, and auld Swivel-Eyed Davie Leggit is just the man to do it.

As my auld Scots Presbyterian Granny used to say to me - "Get yer finger oot yer nose ya wee bastard afore it caves in!"

Reluctantly, I have agreed to take my place in the vanguard of the movement to tackle Rangers' enemies.

No more will Rangers allow their enemies to blacken their name, or ruin the share issue which Charles Green needs to make Rangers great again.

Let me go on record now as saying that while I wouldn't trust Green as far as I could throw him, he clearly has Rangers' best interests at heart and there's no way Sir Walter would have come on board if that wasn't the case.

I won't stand by and watch the new Gallant Pioneers thwarted as they set out on their romantic journey that will take the grand old club back to where they belong at the top of the discredited and rabidly anti-Rangers SPL.

Philmacgoillabhain, Brian Patrick McNally and the prancing poltroon Thomson may be the most obvious members of the anti-Rangers brigade, but let's not forget the most dangerous of all - Odious Creep.

So log on to Swivel-Eyed Davie Leggit over the coming days and weeks, where I will be doing everything in my power to drink myself into oblivion while facing the enemies of Rangers head-on.

An apocalyptic showdown is looming. Armageddon with bells on, you might say. You heard it here first.


MORE TO COME on Rangers' enemy....





On this site.

Don't miss it.



On this site.


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