Wednesday 28 November 2012

Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Brian Stockbridge and the Legitimate Businessman

It’s been a week now since my last blog, but rumours that I’ve been blotto for days on end are well wide of the mark.

I’ve been working on a book about Rangers legend Alex “Doddy” Miller, which will be launched at a swish reception in the Blue Room around about May next year, probably the day after Rangers win the SFL Division 3.

How brilliant will that be? Title number 55 coinciding with my new book!

I see that since my last blog, that prancing poltroon Alex Thomson has been up to his old tricks again.

The IRA-loving, Rangers-hating bigot has been using his diseased official Channel 4 blog to do damage to Rangers.

Thomson claims that Rangers’ perfectly legal use of perfectly legal EBT’s was not completely vindicated by the First Tier Tax tribunal which fully vindicated Rangers’ perfectly legal use of perfectly legal EBT’s.

Of course regular readers of this blog will be fully aware that the prancing poltroon Thomson, friend of IRA-loving Philmacgoillabhain and Rangers-hating Brian Patrick McNally, dances to the tune of master of the dark arts Peter Lawwell.

Master of the dark arts Peter Lawwell wants the Rangers share issue to fail and has instructed his attack-dogs accordingly.

Charles Green, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge are working tirelessly on rebuilding Rangers, a task in which they are sure to succeed now that Sir Walter has returned to the club he loves.

That dignified old 140 year old club he led to so many glorious triumphs.

The only fly in the ointment is master of the dark arts Peter Lawwell’s plans to derail the share issue with black propaganda, lies and misinformation.

A new front was opened today when master of the dark arts Peter Lawwell instructed the paper known to my pals in the old inky trade as the Daily Rebel to turn on Rangers.

Regular readers of this blog will know that the Daily Record editor-in-chief, Allan Pussy Rennie, is a Lawwell lapdog.

Today, the Record has carried a scurrilous story blackening the good name of potential Rangers investor Sandy Easdale.

This decent, hardworking, patriotic businessman had a little local difficulty with HMRC back in the 1990’s, when he was wrongfully jailed for the perfectly legal withholding of VAT from the taxman.

Master of the dark arts Peter Lawwell hopes to use the Daily Record to discredit Charles Green, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge’s share issue, and what better way than by painting it as attracting tax evading crooks?

This story must be nipped in the bud right away before it grows legs and becomes incredibly damaging to Rangers.

Sandy Easdale is a fine, upstanding citizen.

Only IRA-loving, Rangers-hating bigots on their diseased, hate-filled blogs will say otherwise.

I can tell you for a fact that there is no truth in the heinous rumours that Sandy Easdale is anything other than a legitimate businessman.

So his company has achieved a monopoly of the bus and taxi businesses in certain parts of the west of Scotland?

That’s because his companies offer a cheap, reliable, efficient service.

Suggestions that competitors have been made an offer they can’t refuse are well wide of the mark.

I can also tell you that Charles Green will be instructing his lawyers to take stern action against any hate-filled, Rangers-hating diseased bloggers who say otherwise.



The Rangers facebook page is well on course to being “liked” by 500 million people, making Rangers officially, the biggest club in the world, as well as the most successful!



Tomorrow I’ll be revealing the Celtic supporter who works in a Post Office in Lanarkshire!

That’s right, the Royal Mail, which handles literally EVERYONE’S post, whether it be sending greetings cards or receiving bank statements, has incredibly employed a hate-filled, Rangers-hating bigot Celtic supporter to deliver mail to the decent, hardworking, patriotic citizens of Lanarkshire.

More on this shocking story tomorrow!







Pip! Pip!

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